Sunday, August 14, 2011

#1. The students

So as you've probably figured, I'm back in the states now, working off several long overdue weeks of vacation and ignoring all the things I'm supposed to have been doing. I haven't forgotten about this blog though, nor the countdown that was supposed to have finished before I left Korea. It's just taken me three or so weeks to figure out what I missed most about it. Funny, I don't know if it's what I expected, and I'm sure it will sound sappy and juvenile to some. If I'm being honest, however, the one thing I feel the absence of most is not a thing. It's 150 things.

#1. The students

I'd been living in Korea for almost two years when I left. Some of my students were with me and stayed with me from day one; others would level out of one of my classes and then crop back up in a month or two in a higher class. Like every teacher I had my favorites, but all-in-all there wasn't a single class I disliked; there wasn't ever a time when I hated going to work or doing my job.

Before I left, I gave my email address to all my students.
I've been contacted by a number of
students, and I've done my best to answer them all. I know there's going to come a day when they don't feel the need to write to Erin-teacher anymore, and then a day when they might not remember me at all. I just don't think forgetting them is going to be that easy, but isn't that the benefit of age?