Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Odd tidbits

I'm sorry that I have been derelict in my duties as an observer of Korean culture. The past month has been a little crazy, and while right now is still in that hectic phase, I'm finally able to sit down and jot out a couple of the things that have been happening.

First and foremost, if you are ever in Korea, make sure that you check the label to any lotions or moisturizers before applying them to your face. What looks like a harmless bottle of Nivea or Johnson & Johnson may actually in fact turn out to be whitening cream. And when you already have a pretty pale complexion, the effects are both hilarious and a little alarming.

Also, when you first move into a Korean apartment, check to see if the "shower" in the bathroom is hooked up to its own faucet, or if it is hooked up to the sink. If it is hooked up to the sink, you might want to test it before walking in there one morning and just assuming that the sink will work. Because believe me, just hoping that the last person who lived there kept the thing turned to the "sink" setting is not going to fly. Particularly at 4am on your day off when you just got up to go to the bathroom.

Floor heaters are amazing, wonderful ways to heat apartments. You should be careful, though, to pick up your floor and take out any trash before going away for the weekend. Even if the floor heater is off, it still gives off heat for 1-2 days. And that length of time is more than enough to cook any candy bars or trash that may be sitting on the floor.

Finally, I know how difficult it is remembering to get the trash out on time. In Korea, most places post hours that the trash can be taken outside and left on the curb, some time between 9pm and 6am. And if you forget until you wake up to the sound of the garbage truck a couple doors down, don't even both making the mad dash to the curb to hand the trash collectors your refuse. It's not worth the $350 fine .


Joe M. said...

I demand pictures.

おにぎりまん said...

There's a fine for putting out your trash at non-designated times? Even if you can get in the garbage truck on time? Scary...