Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Official Business

Monday marked my one year anniversary in Korea. To celebrate, I went out with some coworkers to a Korean bar, drank Korean beer and soju, and woke up the next morning remembering why I don't do stuff like that anymore. Happy anniversary! ^_^

In related news, the visa process seems to be going okay the second time around. I have a stamp on my alien registration card to show that the paperwork is in process, just in case someone tries to deport me in the meantime. I even got to fill out the Korean census today to show that I am a working, tax-paying resident. Oddly enough, the whole process just made me feel bad again about not applying soon enough to get my mail in ballot. I wish that I had thought to do it sooner, but in reality I would have felt uncomfortable voting since I have not been paying attention to any of the races or the candidates. I guess that's one of the hazards of believing that its our job to make an INFORMED decision on election day. I'd rather exercise my right not to vote than to choose someone on the basis of political affiliation (or, as is the case in most local elections, on the basis of whose name sounds the most interesting).

Hope you are all much better citizens than I, and that you are all doing your civic duty and making a well-thought out selection on this election day.

1 comment:

おにぎりまん said...

It's not the drinking, it's the soju. Nasty stuff.