Thursday, January 13, 2011

Intensives, round 3

I know I didn't give any warning this year, but I am neck-deep in intensives and thought I should drop a note to let you all know that I have not, in fact, disappeared off the face of the planet. I am simply spending 12+ hours a day at work and unable to communicate with everyone because when I am not at work, I'm usually either grading or getting ready to bed. Isn't my life so thrilling?

Some cool things of note for this month. One of the teachers at my school won a photo competition, so now her photograph is on display in a coffee house in Seoul. We are all planning a trip to go see it sometime soon, since Jen is pretty excited about this honor. I have also been doing a little sightseeing this month. I finally made it out to the National Museum of Korea and got to see some pretty cool artwork, including some beautiful pottery and calligraphy pieces that make me want to take up an art class. In another weekend or so, a friend and I are going to go see the local fortress in Suwon, which is one of the oldest structures in the area. So despite the cold, I'm at least keeping a little active around here.

I wouldn't plan on hearing from me for a bit. Intensives is another two weeks long, but after that we have some awesome vacation coming up, and I definitely plan on doing something during that time. Hopefully it includes talking to some of you! I hope that you are all staying warm and taking care out there!

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